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Unwanted Hair


  • ● Offering advanced laser hair removal treatments with USFDA-approved equipment
  • ● Less pain and more effective than traditional hair removal methods
  • ● We are pioneer of introducing laser hair removal in Gujarat
  • ● Successfully done 3 lakhs + laser hair removal procedures
Unwanted body hair continues to be an unpleasant and frustrating problemand also dimidhes self-esteem of many. The fact to reduce body hair, there are plenty options, but laser hair removal proves to give a lasting solution. In India, where personal hygiene and cosmetic treatments are now gaining popularity, laser hair removal is in high demand. Sakhiya Skin Clinic specializes in cutting-edge laser hair removal treatments, allowing you to get smooth, hair-free skin with ease and confidence.  

Causes of Unwanted Hair Growth

Several causes can result in the growth of unwanted and undesirable baby hair. Few of them are –

  • Some people genetically have more body hair.
  • Hormonal imbalances or conditions like PCOS, menopause can lead to excessive hair growth.
  • Side effects of medications and some treatments can also cause increased hair growth.
  • Certain medical problems also triggers unusual hair growth patterns.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser, which is “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation,” targets and removes undesirable hair through concentrated laser beams. The laser emits light, which is absorbed by the melanin (pigment) in the hair follicle. When the melanin in the hair is targeted, it burns all the way down to the follicle and root, and prevents future hair growth. This innovative technology is safe and effective for all Indian skin types and hair colours.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

If you are tired of spending hours and money on various ways of removing hair, every month, then here’s your solution. Laser hair removal offers numerous advantages over traditional hair removal methods. Here are some key benefits:

  • Significant hair growth reduction after a few sessions.
  • Long-lasting smoothness.
  • A quick procedure that treats small areas in minutes, and larger areas in an hour.
  • Less painful and more effective than other methods
  • No discomfort during or after procedure
  • Prevents and reduces ingrown hair.
  • Smoother skin
  • Saves money in long-term
  • More permanent solution.
  • Minor, temporary side effects.
  • Effective for various skin types and hair colors.
  • Suitable for multiple body areas.
  • Makes grooming easy and convenient

Patient Success Stories


Areas that can be treated with Laser Hair Removal

Areas that can be treated with laser hair removal

Sakhiya Skin Clinic has USFDA-approved and latest equipments for laser hair removal that can treat all skin types and different areas. LHR can treat well the following areas –

  • Full Body
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Underarms
  • Chest
  • Bikini area
  • Legs
  • Neck
  • Upper lip
  • Chin

Types of Lasers for Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal Machines

Ruby Laser Hair Removal 

This the first cosmetic laser system that damages the hair follicles while protecting the surrounding tissues and skin. It provides long-term hair-free results, and any regrowth is thinner and finer than the initial growth. Its built-in cooling system is more comfortable than other laser hair removal systems, and it can be used on small regions with a low repetition rate.

Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal

Our experts uses Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal after analyzing your hair and skin type. This laser is a fast and effective treatment with excellent penetration rate, suitable for large skin areas, all skin types with thinner hair types. However, it is not suitable for dark skin due to pigment changes.

Diode Laser Hair Removal

Diode Laser Hair Removal is efficient on darker skin and thick, coarse hair, making it popular among males for its effectiveness on back and chest hair. The Diode laser has a longer wavelength, making it more effective for persons with dark skin. This laser offers a safer and deeper penetration into the skin layer ensuring long-lasting results.

Nd:YAG Laser

Professionals at Sakhiya Skin Clinic are well-versed with Nd laser, which is suitable for all skin types, especially darker skin tones. It has a longer wavelength that penetrates deeper into the skin, making it ideal for treating thick, coarse hair and larger body regions.

Intense pulsed light (IPL)

IPL uses broad-spectrum light to target hair follicles. It is adaptable and can be customized to different skin types and hair colours, making it a popular choice for all kinds of hair removal purposes.

Procedure of Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is not a long procedure, it just takes a few simple steps mentioned below-

  • The dermatologist cleans the area where the laser is to be done and a cooling gel is applied to shield the skin from the laser. Protective eyewear is also given to cover the eyes from any prospective damage caused by the laser.
  • A handheld laser is used to work on the hair follicles in the treatment area.
  • A very strong beam of light is emitted by the laser. It penetrates the skin and gets absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair.
  • This beam of light heats the melanin and then, this heat is transferred to the stem cells in the hair follicles.
  • This heat emitted by the laser damages the hair follicles and doesn’t let them grow shortly too.
  • Now comes the duration part. It depends on the area to be treated. A small area may take a few minutes whereas a larger area may take up to an hour.
  • This procedure targets the hair follicles in the growing phase (anagen). It works best during this stage as hair contains the most melanin this time.
  • Since all the hair follicles can’t be at the same stage at the same time, repetitive sessions are required for complete hair-free skin.

Laser Hair Removal Procedure Video at Sakhiya Skin Clinic

Why Choose Sakhiya Skin Clinic

Guaranteed Results: Ensuring effective outcomes for all treatments.

Safe Treatments: Committed to providing safe and reliable skincare solutions.

Happy Patients: Over 500,000 satisfied patients.

Extensive Chain: 29 clinics across India with more opening soon.

Years of Expertise: Over 25 years of dermatology experience.

USFDA Approved Technology: Utilizing cutting-edge, USFDA approved equipment.

International Technologies: Treatments based on the latest international standards.

Expert Team: A highly skilled team of dermatologists and trained therapists.

Laser Hair Removal: 3 Lakhs+ Laser Hair Removal Procedures Done

Its time to say goodbye to unwanted hair, painful waxing sessions and get smoother & beautiful skin with laser hair removal at Sakhiya Skin Clinic. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards hair-free skin. We priorities patient satisfaction and aim to provide the best possible results.

🡺 Before And After Results

Before and After Result Of Laser hair Removal Before and After Result Of Laser hair Removal


🡺 All you need to know about Laser Hair Removal explained by Dr. Jagdish Sakhiya