PRP Hair treatment

Our appearance isn’t just determined by how our face looks; hair plays a role too.

Full, thick, luscious locks, now who wouldn’t want them.

Yet, as we age or due to hormonal changes, genetics, and certain medications our hair starts thinning or falling out.

Here at Sakhiya, our doctors can help you restore your hair to its original splendor. PRP Treatment is one of the most advance non-surgical therapies for people who struggle with their hair.

What is PRP?

The blood in your body consists of many components – red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Platelets and Plasma – which contain proteins and growth factors – are what helps you in the healing of cuts and wounds and the generation of new cells.
The idea behind PRP therapy is that if plasma and platelets were to be separated and extracted from the blood, re-injecting them back into the damaged tissues will stimulate that tissue to grow new cells and promote healing. The fact that it is in a more concentrated form may help tissues heal faster.

How are PRP injections prepared?

A patient’s own blood is drawn then using a centrifuge the components are separated. PRP forms the upper layer which is then extracted out via a small injection. These injections are later used in the desired tissues.

Benefits of PRP Therapy
PRP for Hair Loss

Hair transplant has been the standard treatment for hair loss for both and women yet it is a lengthy surgical procedure with a long recovery time. In addition, it is recommended for people who have significant hair loss.
What if you want to get ahead of the curve? You might have started noticing the signs of hair thinning and loss but not extreme enough to get a transplant then PRP might be the option for you.
At the start of the procedure, a numbing agent or local anesthetic is given to keep the pain minimal before using a tiny needle to inject PRP just below the scalp. Depending on the area of the treatment multiple injections are needed. They are given in the area where the hair is thinning, balding, or around your receding hairline. One session may take about 60-90 minutes.
The injected PRP is full of growth proteins that will encourage inactive or slowing down hair follicles to grow new, thick hair. Also, stimulating the growth of new, healthier cells to replace the old, damaged ones. You do not have to worry about any harsh chemicals being used, it is all-natural, just your blood components re-injected to where it is needed.
 Added a bonus, the platelets will help in the healing of the injection site.
It takes more than one session to see significant results.

Benefits of PRP Therapy

  • The appearance of balding and thinning spots can be reversed.
  • Your hair may become thicker and denser in the problem areas.
  • It will help in growing back from your receding hairline.
  • There are no chemicals added. It is your own part of your blood given injected back into you, meaning barely any side-effects.  

Who can get it?

PRP therapy is a new non-surgical therapy offered at Sakhiya Skin Clinic for hair loss. When you arrive for a consultation, after looking at the condition of your and scalp. After discussing your goals our doctors will tell you if you are a candidate for PRP.

Both women and men suffering from androgenic alopecia can undergo this therapy. It produces better results if done on people who have functioning hair follicles but are weak.

What to do and not to do before the procedure?

  • Shampoo and condition your hair to remove all dirt and grease. This way, the doctor has a clean scalp to work with.
  • Eat proper food and drink enough water so that you don’t feel light-headed and dizzy during the procedure and blood draw.
  • Do not use hair gel or spray for at least 3 days before your PRP session.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke because this can affect your platelet count.

What to do and not to do after the procedure?

  • You can go back to your regular life immediately after the session. Unlike other procedures, you shouldn’t experience fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Wash your hair on your schedule, unless the area is irritated or painful.
  • Don’t color your hair or get any chemical treatments on your scalp or hair for at least 72 hours (3 days).