Botox Vs Filler: A Complete Guide

Cosmetic and aesthetic treatments have grown immensely and so has their demand. For Wrinkle treatment, many options are available like over-the-counter products and some turn up to their healthcare providers for long-lasting and better results.

Botox and filler are both cosmetic treatments using injection and are long-lasting treatments. The similarity in both includes, both are for wrinkles and minimally invasive. Despite these two major similarities, both have several differences which need to be considered while choosing your area of treatment.

What is Botox?

Botox, a purified form of the Botulinum Toxin, and a self muscle relaxer are obtained from bacteria. A regulated amount of Botox to correct the fine lines or wrinkles has been used for decades now.

Botox is also used for neurological ailments like muscle weakness, treat migraines, and other medical conditions as well.

Botox generally is used for lines and wrinkles that occur with expressions or animations, also known as dynamic lines. These lines are created, for instance, when you cry, your forehead gets parallel lines like 11 number, or when you smile you get the crow’s feet or lines around the mouth or eyes, and when you worry or tense you get horizontal lines across the forehead. With age, these dynamic lines become more noticeable.

How does Botox Works?

Botox and other treatments made with botulinum toxin are also known as neuromodulators or neurotoxins.

Botox temporarily weakens or freezes the muscles. Botox injections block the nerve signals of the muscles and which eventually, temporarily paralyzes or freezes the muscles and relaxes them near these wrinkles. With the obstructed movement of these selected facial muscles, the appearance of the dynamic wrinkles is reduced, softened, or sometimes even removed.

Botox is not used for static lines or fine lines caused by collagen breakdown.

The dermatologists inject the muscles that contribute to the specific wrinkles that need to be treated. The botox injection process takes two to three minutes and you can expect noticeable results within 2 weeks.

Botox treatment requires repetitive sessions (depending on your treatment, generally it lasts for 3-4 months) for effective results of reducing wrinkles.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Just like Botox, dermal fillers are also injectables and treat wrinkles on the face. Dermal fillers, sometimes also called soft tissue fillers, add volume and fullness after getting injected beneath the surface of the skin.

Fillers are largely used for eliminating static lines, that occur due to sun damage, smile lines, when there’s collagen breakdown due to age, and also to fill lost volume on the face, lips, undereye, and wherever the fat has been lost. Ther are designed to reduce wrinkle appearance, provide volume, contour and revitalize the skin.

How does dermal filler works?

Dermal filler, using a cannula or a needle, inject a gel-like substance into the targeted areas of the face. The filler then fills the skin to restore the lost volume, smoothens the lines and wrinkles, plumps the skin from inside out, works in the areas where fat and protein have lost and reduced skin elasticity.

Fillers are of various temporary or permanent materials.

Some common fillers are-

– Hyaluronic acid fillers include Restylane, Juvederm, and Belotero. These come in different thicknesses and last 5 to 24 months.

– Another type is composed of Calcium Hydroxyapatite, Allergan fillers like Radiesse are suitable for deep filling and last about 12 to 14 months.

What are the side effects of Botox and Fillers?

Like all medical treatments, the facial aesthetic treatment also comes with certain side effects. For any procedure, be it Botox or dermal fillers, you must discuss with your healthcare provider for all possible outcomes and concerns.

Botox side effects –

Botox is generally recommended for people with good health for reduced side effects. If you have a skin allergy, skin diseases, or if your face muscles are comparatively weaker or even if you are pregnant, have second thoughts before considering Botox. Consult your dermatologist/ physician/ healthcare prior is recommendable.

Possible concerns or side effects associated with botox are –

– mild to moderate headache

– pain, bruising, swelling, numbness at the site of treatment

– rashes, itching

– redness or irritation in the eye

– if injected near the eye, can cause drooping eyelids

– nausea, weakness

– flu-like signs, dry mouth

– sometimes blurry or diminished vision

Some healthcare providers recommend using eye drops before the treatment for reduced concerns and also do not rub or continuously
touch the area post-treatment. Consult your dermatologists immediately if you
experience severe side effects.

Dermal Fillers side effects

Dermal fillers have side effects that are mild to moderate and go away within a few weeks. Severe side-effects in this type of treatment are rare, but it’s always recommended to get your allergy testing before. However, the person who smokes must avoid fillers, and also is recommended for good health in general.

Only FDA-approved dermal fillers must be used by your healthcare professionals.

Some possible side effects are –

– Bruising, numbness, scarring

– Redness, itching,

– Skin infecting, rashes, pimple-like bumps

– Loss of skin cells

– Vision problems

In severe cases, swelling lasts a little longer. To relieve the swelling or soreness, ice packs would help.

For any aesthetic treatments, consulting healthcare professionals is a must. Botox and Dermal fillers are great options for their respective areas of treatment.

If you want to know more about your skin type or got any skin or hair concerns, get in touch with our experienced dermatologists on the toll-free number 1800120070000.